Dragon Blood Teroldego 2018...
Title: Teroldego Rotalian Doc
Grape variety: Teroldego 100%
Region: Trentino
Format:0.75 l
Alcohol content:13.5%
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€11.00 - €35.00
La selvaggina, carne dal sapore forte e selvatico, nella maggior parte dei casi vuole un vino rosso strutturato. In Trentino Alto Adige non mancano certo abbinamenti perfetti per creare un legame vincente con ricette a base di Selvaggina quali cervo, capriolo e lepre.
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Title: Teroldego Rotalian Doc
Grape variety: Teroldego 100%
Region: Trentino
Format:0.75 l
Alcohol content:13.5%
Title: Red Igt
Grape variety: Cab. Sau. 50% Cab. Franc 25% Merlot 25%
Region: Trentino
Format:0.75 l
Alcohol content:13.5%
Title: South Tyrol Doc
Grape variety: Lagrein 100%
Region: South Tyrol
Format:0.75 l
Alcohol content:13.4%
Title: South Tyrol Doc
Grape variety: Pinot Noir 100%
Region: South Tyrol
Format:0.75 l
Alcohol content:14%
Title: South Tyrol Doc
Grape variety: Slave 100%
Region: South Tyrol
Format:0.75 l
Alcohol content:12.7%
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